
 Venus in Pisces

Read your horoscope for Venus in Pisces

Love potion #9

When Venus — the planet of love and relationships — glides into dreamy Pisces from March 11th to April 4th, fantasies abound. The planet of beauty is exalted in the sign of the artist, mystic, and visionary, meaning it operates at the peak of its powers. Venus in Pisces likes to gush at full force and offer its heart completely to anyone and anything it adores. Too much is never enough. Think: transcendent love poetry, adornment as a romantic ritual, and heightened artistic inspirations that keep it up into the night. This placement is drawn to seek twin flames and soulmates — whether with intimate partners, best friends, muses, or the whirling cosmos itself. A sense of exquisite fatedness ripples out behind every swish of these convivial fins.

Protect your magic

However, even boundlessness has its limitations. This placement’s ability to merge entirely with others can equate to either ultimate closeness or a dangerous dissolution of boundaries. Losing oneself in another can erode personal sovereignty and result in confusion about whose needs and desires are whose. Extra discernment is required here, along with a sturdy anchor in reality. When it’s functioning in a balanced way, this placement is miraculously capable of being receptive and compassionate while still honoring and protecting its own unique point of view.

Your horoscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know both your rising sign and Sun sign, please read both horoscopes. You’ll know which one resonates for you. Take what works and leave the rest. If you’d like to share this work, please credit the source and provide a link to this post or chani.com. Thank you for your support and for spreading this work around. We really appreciate it — and you.

The following horoscopes were written by Grace Mungovan.


Aries glyph for the horoscopes for Mars in Aries

Aries & Aries rising

Interrogate your fairy tales. Over the upcoming weeks, the veils between your unconscious mind and your conscious awareness are thin. This is a potent time for deconstructing the fantasies you’ve projected onto partners — whether romantic or platonic.

Inspirations, psychological insights, and psychic flashes also flow abundantly at this time, so take advantage and create beauty and magic behind the scenes. Make offerings to your alter egos. Write love letters to the symbols rushing through your dreams. Bask in the numinous afterglow of last night’s nocturnal questing. The more receptive you are to your unknown facets, the more real-deal enchantment can seep through your mental cracks.

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Taurus glyph for the horoscopes for Mars in Aries

Taurus & Taurus rising

Over the upcoming weeks, bringing inspiration to your social circles purifies your connections from too much linear analysis. Your most visionary ideas deserve a spot in the group chat.

Share your fantasies with your friends, even if they seem unrealistic. Post your paintings or poetry on social media and give others a chance to absorb your artistic side. Text the crystal ball emoji with abandon. When you project your more out-there qualities, you become a magnet for fellow misfits, dreamers, and creatives.

To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iOS or Android.


Gemini glyph for the horoscopes for Mars in Aries

Gemini & Gemini rising

Over the upcoming weeks, sweet support is streaming through your public offerings. Letting your imagination gently shape your ambitions makes you more magnetic. So soften your social persona.

Allow your otherworldly muses to design your business card. Follow the mission that activates your heart, not just the one that seems most logical. It’s understandable to feel vulnerable calculating your moves according to what’s most compassionate, or sharing your latest poem or sketch with an audience. But when you expose your inner world and secret idealism, you attract allies, helpers, and admirers who revel in your sensitivity. Send out a soft flare.

To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iOS or Android.


Collage for Venus in Taurus

Cancer & Cancer rising

Over the upcoming weeks, relaxing your ego’s stiff control and surrendering to life’s flow attracts the teachers, mentors, and guides who are most aligned with your highest growth. Practice consulting your intuition every morning about who, what, and where it wants you to swim toward that day.

Expansion can come in unexpected forms. If you feel enthralled by a new research project or just pulled to take a different subway train, follow the path of least resistance. From the lyrics of the song to the mini-universes reflected within a single drop of dew, romance the layers of meaning shimmering all around you. When you attend to your world poetically, you’ll be wooed by the cosmos in return.

To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iOS or Android.


Leo glyph

Leo & Leo rising

Over the upcoming weeks, wade into your emotional streams. Painful feelings and tender memories are uncomfortable, but they’re potent access points for creating deeper intimacy with yourself and others. You can alchemize pain with imagination by making characters out of your wounded parts and dialoguing with them. Ask them what flavor of compassion they need to cultivate wholeness right now.

Whether you’re conducting a releasing ritual over your altar or daydreaming while counting clouds, heed the instructions you receive. Life is a bittersweet experience, and flowing with that truth rather than against it helps you attract and sustain more authentic connections.

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Virgo glyph

Virgo & Virgo rising

If you find yourself doodling the names of potential beloveds or crafting friendship bracelets for your nearest and dearest over the upcoming weeks, embrace your big feelings.

While it’s not difficult for you to scrutinize and assess life’s practical details, it takes other people to draw out your more sentimental facets, so carve out time for connection. Plan twinkly dates with the people who make you starry-eyed. Proclaim emotions with passion. Minimizing your spreadsheet tabs and drifting away to your imaginal realms reconnects you to your heart energy and releases your mental stress. Let your softness light the way.

To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iOS or Android.


Libra glyph

Libra & Libra rising

Over the upcoming weeks, release ego control and seek spiritual guides instead. Your magnetism is on the rise when it comes to attracting heartfelt healers, kitchen witches, or other allies in mending.

Whether you’ve been nursing a broken heart or fretting over hopelessly cluttered cabinets, assistance is available. Practice melting into your vulnerability and owning the parts of you that need support. Being transparent about what you’re struggling with, without expectation or force, has a way of effortlessly drawing others to your cause. Give yourself compassion where you’re stuck, and your inner and outer fairy godmothers will mirror it back to you.

To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iOS or Android.


Scorpio glyph

Scorpio & Scorpio rising

Over the upcoming weeks, weave intuition and magic into your creative projects, fun hobbies, and romantic affairs. How? Surrender. You’re naturally primed to seek deeper meaning and suss out the subtler dynamics of all your pleasure pursuits. But right now, lowering that poised stinger and engaging with joy in good faith welcomes an abundance of it in.

Resist the urge to micromanage your artistic endeavors or mind-read your dinner date. Instead, let go and let flow. Pull tarot cards for what you should do on your next day off. Recite affirmations to release expectations before erecting your easel or cracking open your notebook. Conduct over-the-top appreciation rituals to honor your best friends, paramours, or pet pals. Moving deeper into sweetness is more than worth it. So dive in.

To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iOS or Android.


Sagittarius glyph

Sagittarius & Sagittarius rising

For you, the open road possesses a romantic sheen. But over the upcoming weeks, make the concept of home your love. The relationships, spaces, and experiences that anchor you and reset your nervous system are the ones you’re meant to tend to now.

Limit the scope of your adventurous ambitions and light the soft candles of your internal world. The gentle companionship that comes from cooking dinner with close friends or dialoguing with your inner child in a well-worn journal helps you tap into your fullness. Nurturing your roots right now will leave you refreshed for future gallivanting.

To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iOS or Android.


Capricorn glyph

Capricorn & Capricorn rising

Over the upcoming weeks, your daily encounters and conversations overflow with enchantment. Whether you get struck by Cupid’s arrow in your coffee shop or inspired by the mycelia sprouting in your neighborhood park, embrace spontaneous moments of wonder. You can court them too. Share last night’s absurd dream with the person next to you in the grocery line. Take a sacred pause to marvel with a stranger at raindrops dripping down a flower stem. Drop into your local meditation class or art studio. Penciling more time into your schedule for the illogical, mystical, and amazing adds a luminous aura to life right now.

To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iOS or Android.


Aquarius glyph

Aquarius & Aquarius rising

Over the upcoming weeks, it’s easier than usual for you to make lucrative connections. But to do so, you have to cultivate your receptivity. The more you can shed expectations about resources and embrace relaxed openness, the more riches stream your way.

To enter a flow state, construct a lush altar to money, coat your wallet in sparkling stickers, or daydream ideal schemes to co-create economic justice. Instead of spreadsheeting funds, focus on how wealth presents to you as a specific feeling — whether that correlates to dollars and cents or a tidal wave of free time. Soak up abundance in whatever form it shows up for you. Right now, when you put out your cups, they overflow with life’s most mysterious and unquantifiable blessings.

To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iOS or Android.


Pisces glyph for horoscopes

Pisces & Pisces rising

You always wear your heart on your sleeve, but over the upcoming weeks, that sleeve flutters more elegantly than usual. The more you relax into your state of spontaneous prophecy, effortless compassion, and creative boundlessness, the more you magnetize potential allies, friends, and soulmates. Trust your instincts about who you should draw nearer to and who you should set firmer boundaries with.

You’re meant to navigate life according to the subtle flickers of intuition. Let your sixth sense be your discernment tool, helping you separate enlivening and affirming connections from energy drains. When you relate from the core of your power, your otherworldly glow illuminates the magic all around you.

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You can find and read your horoscopes for the current astrology here!


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