
Collage for Mars in Libra horoscopes.

Read your horoscope for Mars in Libra

Sweet-talking strategies  

When action-oriented Mars passes through Libra from August 27th to October 11th, goal striving becomes more of a seduction campaign. The cardinal air sign is unparalleled at achieving its aims the charming way — preferably with witty small talk, ambiance, and mood lighting. But beneath that elegant exterior, Libra is exquisitely attuned to imbalances of all sorts — including imbalances of power. If a situation is unfair, or equity is compromised, Mars in Libra will spur to action. Or it will try. That action may look more like passive-aggressive post-it notes or silent treatments at first.

That said, Mars in Libra has the potential to be an expert diplomat and negotiator. Any tendency to stifle your anger will go out the window around October 4th, when Mars conjoins the releasing South Node. Between fake smiles and sharp words, there’s a middle path. You can be candid and kind.

So lure with honey rather than vinegar over the next several weeks. Mars in Libra knows that whether you’re arranging your chess pieces for a social justice cause, or just choosing between entrees, a little forethought helps you arrive at the best conclusion.

Your Mars in Libra horoscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know both your rising sign and Sun sign, please read both horoscopes. You’ll know which one resonates for you. Take what works and leave the rest. If you’d like to share this work, please credit the source and provide a link to this post or chani.com. Thank you for your support and for spreading this work around. We really appreciate it — and you.

The following horoscopes were written by Grace Mungovan.

Aries glyph for the horoscopes for Mars in Aries

Aries & Aries Rising

Over the past couple of months, you’ve been upgrading your work and health routines. Now, motivation is on your side for setting the scales in your committed relationships.

If you find yourself habitually engaging in chore wars with a roommate or leaving your friend on read, pursue strategies for honoring both your needs. Splitting the errands list evenly or responding to your pal once you’ve decompressed might be the ideal middle road.

The more effort you put into creating equilibrium with others, the more energizing your connections become.

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Taurus glyph for the horoscopes for Mars in Aries

Taurus & Taurus Rising

Over the past couple of months, you’ve been motivated to edit your creative projects and dating app profile alike. Now, energy is building in your work and wellness routines.

If you’ve been tapping out your adrenals and hustling to get it all done, brainstorm practical adjustments that would add more tranquility to your routines. Do a replenishing stretching routine when you wake up. Stir fragrant flower essences into your tea. Color coordinate the files at your 9-to-5.

Merging the sensible with the sensual will make your days both pleasurable and productive.

To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iOS or Android.

Gemini glyph for the horoscopes for Mars in Aries

Gemini & Gemini Rising

Over the past couple of months, motivation has been on your side for tackling tasks on the homefront or with your chosen family matrix. Now, your firepower is shifting to the realm of your creativity, romantic plotlines, and desire.

Initiate projects that infuse your life with more pleasure. Set up your easel. Write a captivating bio for your dating app profile. Dye your hair magenta. Seek playmates and pals who complement your quick-thinking mind with a broader perspective or more grounding.

Trusting your instincts brings more balance into your life — and unlocks juicy inspirations.

To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iOS or Android.

Collage for Venus in Taurus

Cancer & Cancer Rising

Over the past couple of months, you’ve been tinkering with your daily life and exchanges with other people. Now, motivation is rising for home improvement.

Throw yourself into all the beautifying tasks and house witchery your heart desires. Paint that scarlet accent wall. Scrub the floors with orange-scented water. Thrift elegant new lampshades. And calculate the practicalities — like when the best time is to schedule that electrical repair.

Also, consider how balanced your interactions are with your family or chosen family. If you need to set some necessary limits or open up a conversation, take action to create the desired change.

Investing a dash of forethought into your efforts will help each layer of your homesteading blend harmoniously.

To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iOS or Android.

Leo glyph

Leo & Leo Rising

Over the past couple of months, you’ve been motivated to tackle projects around your resources and self-worth. Now, you’re focusing on daily happenings and exchanges.

If your schedule’s been running you ragged or you’re frequently snagged in conversations with energy vampires, make necessary adjustments. Use the special occasion cups to enliven your morning tea. Meditate before crushing your errands. Practice enacting stealth exits during dull small talk.

Cultivating pockets of peace within your usual grind recalibrates your nervous system and helps your days unfurl with ease.

To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iOS or Android.

Virgo glyph

Virgo & Virgo Rising

Over the past couple of months, you’ve been refining the details of your personal goals and maybe even altering your appearance. Now, support is rising to tackle tasks around money, assets, or self-worth.

When considering new income streams, notice whether you feel centered or off-balance. Strategize elegantly simple budgets and map them all out in luminous ink on parchment you love. Vision board what wealth means to you personally, and bless it on your altar.

Contemplating your finances can be stressful, but regulating your nervous system beforehand and weaving touches of loveliness into your planning will make it a smoother process.

To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iOS or Android.

Libra glyph

Libra & Libra Rising

Over the past couple of months, you’ve been crafting your restful cocoon. Now, your motivation is pulling you back into the spotlight. Energy is on your side for trusting your well-calibrated instincts and going after your passions.

Take initiative wherever you feel called — from researching local social justice organizations to redoing all the floral arrangements at your friend’s dinner party. Strategize shrewdly. Dress for the parts you’re interested in playing. Align your actions with the goals that most inspire you.

Prioritizing your own firepower has a way of balancing your life and bringing what’s most essential into sharper focus. Or just making that bouquet more lovely.

To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iOS or Android.

Scorpio glyph

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

Over the past couple of months, your energy has been directed at your friendships, communities, and collective dreams. Now, motivation slinks off to a quieter place.

Channel the natural intensity of your drive into crafting tranquil sanctuaries, restorative cocoons, or meditative workspaces. This could mean searching for the perfect fluffy duvet, but it could also mean advocating for your right to exit that potluck early and rest.

Balancing your private and public lives taps you into rich inner sources of creativity and clarifies what work you need to be doing out in the world. Honoring your nervous system’s needs replenishes you for your most riveting projects.

To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iOS or Android.

Sagittarius glyph

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising

Over the past couple of months, you’ve been absorbed in the details of your career or greater calling. Now, motivation is firing up your social affairs, group projects, and dreams for the collective.

When life is busy, the pursuit of balance becomes key. If your dance card is rapidly filling up, do your best to allocate time to all your admirers. When summoned to mediate tricky interpersonal disputes, witness every side. If you’re setting up the tables for a friend’s potluck, enliven the table setting with tasteful candles or flowers.

If you feel called, reflect on the status of equality on a broader scale, too. Read works written by activists you admire. Investigate how you can be of service to causes you want to support.

Chase the joy of trying to create equilibrium amongst many moving parts. Just make sure to rest after.

To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iOS or Android.

Capricorn glyph

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising

Over the past couple of months, motivation has been on your side for nailing down the details of your long-range plans and bucket list items. Now, energy is rising in the realm of your career or greater calling.

Get strategic about accomplishing your legacy goals. Woo potential mentors and co-conspirators. Study up on skills that can aid you in your mission, like public speaking or negotiating. Resist rushing into projects. Instead, contemplate your options.

Plot your chess moves so they lead you more harmoniously toward success. Forethought results in elegant maneuvers.

To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iOS or Android.

Aquarius glyph

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising

Over the past couple of months, you’ve been motivated to seek funding for your projects and collaborate with others. Now, the firepower has moved to accomplishing your bucket list items, traversing higher spiritual realms, and luring your long-range goals closer.

Whatever gets your pulse pounding should be next on the agenda. Research dream excursions — whether to faraway lands or unexplored corners of your local park. Spruce up your altar and adorn it with talismans that make your senses go “ahhh.” Calculate what it would take to reach your next educational milestone and map out a plan.

Be courageous in going after what you desire and plan plenty of restful detours along the way.

To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iOS or Android.

Pisces glyph for horoscopes

Pisces & Pisces Rising

Over the past couple of months, your firepower has been focused on your committed relationships. Now, channel your determination and drive into cultivating your most optimal collaborations.

Whether that means sussing out grants, loans, and scholarships to make your dreams a reality or setting boundaries with a clothes-stealing roommate, do what it takes to build thriving exchanges. Giving and receiving are both natural elements of life, but balance is required for your endeavors to be sustainable.

If you find yourself entangled in a tricky situation, employ tact. Exercising a touch of patience and restraint is the most elegant way to get unknotted.

To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iOS or Android.

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