
Collage for the Sun in Aries

Read your Aries season horoscope to find out how the Sun in Aries will impact you

Blaze the Way

When the Sun dashes through Aries from March 20th until April 20th, adrenaline is on the rise. It’s daredevil season, and you’re more compelled than usual to do your own stunts. Stretch yourself beyond your comfort zone, though bear in mind that will look different for everyone. Maybe it involves embarking on an exhilarating new career path, or singing in public for the first time. Or maybe it includes confessing to your loves the truth about how you feel. Anytime you take a risk that supports your growth, you feed your evolutionary journey — so don’t hold back.  

The Balancing Act

The New Moon in Aries on March 21st is an opportune time to set your most fiery intentions for the future. Stay tuned for the missions that whisper hotly in your ear around, and pursue the ones that have you so excited they keep you up at night.

One thing to keep in mind while you’re off paving the way: other people have valid points of view as well. While your desires demand to be witnessed, decisions made with the input of others stand a greater chance of enduring. During the Full Moon in Libra on April 5th, be alert for surprising circumstances that challenge you to play nice. Part of actualizing your grand visions involves taking others’ perspectives into account. So gather enthusiastic co-conspirators to your cause. 

The Grand Finale

There are actually three lunations this Aries season — the grand finale is the solar eclipse happening on April 19th/20th. This eclipse will scorch outdated relationships to authority, yours or others. Questioning the powers that be can be disorienting, but it also opens space for this truth to land: Being a leader is an act of service, above all. Not an ego trip.

Your system might feel agitated around this day, so take care of yourself. Find an outlet for your jitters and take time to integrate whatever this event highlights for you. This Aries season is all about recognizing your own innate sovereignty — as well as the sovereignty of everyone around you. 

Your Sun in Aries horoscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know both your rising sign and Sun sign, please read both horoscopes. You’ll know which one resonates for you. Take what works and leave the rest. If you’d like to share this work, please credit the source and provide a link to this post or our website. Thank you for your support and for spreading this work around. We really appreciate it — and you.

The following horoscopes were written by Grace Mungovan.

Aries & Aries Rising

Put the pedal to the metal. Your season has arrived. 

The world hungers for your captivating courage and your audacious assertions of self, so blaze brightly. Let your instinctive yeses lead the way. Daredevil your way through basic tasks. Liberate others through your shows of spontaneity. 

During the New Moon in Aries on March 21st, hatch plans for your most daring act yet. But over the Full Moon in Libra on April 5th, check in with your intimate others and make sure you’re not giving them heart palpitations. The solar eclipse in Aries on April 19th encourages you to hit the brakes and refill your tank. Go inward before moving forward. 

Desire is a wise compass, and you know this better than anyone. This Aries season, show the world what happens when you let passion mix with the present moment.

To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iPhone.


Taurus glyph

Taurus & Taurus Rising

Aries season is here, and it’s awakening your inner daredevil. The more time you carve out of life’s hustle and bustle, the louder your desires will grow. 

Stoke the flames of these courageous inner voices. Write out your most outrageous daydreams, audacious aspirations, and blazing passions. Encourage your powerful inner light to grow bigger — even if it’s still just a flicker right now. Trusting your instincts when you’re alone prepares you to follow them out in the world, too. 

During the New Moon in Aries on March 21st, set intentions to explore uncharted territory in your psyche — dreaming or awake. Over the Full Moon in Libra on April 5th, troubleshoot the more practical systems in your life to make sure they’re in support of your liminal questing. 

The solar eclipse in Aries on April 19th dares you to listen to the bold urgings from your wise inner world. But act on them slowly. Reset to revive.

To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iPhone.


Gemini glyph

Gemini & Gemini Rising

Aries season is here, and it’s energizing your social circle. 

Lean into your courage when it comes to cultivating new connections. Whether that means posting in a new chat room or introducing yourself to an intriguing stranger, be bold. Your instincts are a wise form of guidance and they can help you find your people. 

During the New Moon in Aries on March 21st RSVP “Yes, please,” to gatherings outside of your comfort zone. For the Full Moon in Libra on April 5th check in on your romantic plotlines and make sure you’re playing fair with any flings.  

As they say, “Fear is just excitement without the breath.” If the solar eclipse in Aries on April 19th conjures both, keep breathing and lay low. 

Embrace the thrill of riding your growth edge and greet the community that’s waiting to meet you when you do.

To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iPhone.


Cancer glyph

Cancer & Cancer Rising

Aries season is here, and it’s turning the temperature up on your ambitions. If you’ve been playing small, you’re being nudged to expand now. 

Perhaps your 10-year plan isn’t quite audacious enough. Maybe your goals need to be supersized. Let your true desires lead the way.

During the New Moon in Aries on March 21st, set intentions to boldly advance your career or greater calling. During the Full Moon in Libra on April 5th, turn away from the bonfires of your ambition to make sure that the home fires are roaring, too. 

Dare to bring some firepower into your scheming. The solar eclipse in Aries on April 19th could stoke your dreams or your doubts. Take a reset break, then embrace the noble challenge of crafting the legacy you really want.

To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iPhone.


Leo glyph

Leo & Leo Rising

Aries season is here, and it’s encouraging you to trailblaze. 

Trust the promptings of your desires, and let your instincts chart the way. Whether that means traversing higher realms in your spiritual studies or romping around the world, seek out the new. 

Over the New Moon in Aries on March 21st pull your compass out and set intentions to discover what your next grand voyage should be. During the Full Moon in Libra on April 5th check on whether your friends and allies are coming along for the ride. 

If your journey makes you weary around the solar eclipse in Aries on April 19th, take a time-out so you can return refreshed. Spontaneity is your wisest travel guide at the moment. Pursuing what lights up for you in the present charts an exciting new course for the future.

To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iPhone.


Virgo glyph

Virgo & Virgo Rising

Aries season is here, and it’s teaching you how to show up and shine bright in your collaborations with others. 

Wherever you’re combining your resources — fiscal, emotional, or otherwise — it’s important that you stay connected to your truth. When boundaries get tangled, it can be easy to disconnect from the clarifying pulse of your own desire. 

During the New Moon in Aries on March 21st, sketch out a blueprint for your intimate connections that supports your personal empowerment. Over the Full Moon in Libra on April 5th keep track of your funds and make sure they can support your schemes. 

During the solar eclipse in Aries on April 19th, rest up and practice staying in tune with what you want. But remember: compromise is a key ingredient to success as well. Balance fire with fairness.

To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iPhone.


Libra glyph

Libra & Libra Rising

Aries season is here, and it’s inviting you to be brave when it comes to your 1:1s. If you’ve been repressing your true desires, they’re busting free. 

Make a point of cluing your partners into what you really want, but do so with some gentleness attached. Let this season’s fire invite spontaneity and adventure into your closest connections.    

During the New Moon in Aries on March 21st, set intentions to bring more of your personal agenda to your relationships. Over the Full Moon in Libra on April 5th, practice wielding honesty to create harmony with others. 

Take breaks to hang solo around the solar eclipse in Aries on April 19th. When you approach your connections with a fresh mind, you’ll receive the blessing of a new beginning.

To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iPhone.


Scorpio glyph

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

Aries season is here, and it’s nudging you to pursue invigorating life hacks and work routines. 

Seek bold healers, exhilarating advice-givers, and practical powerhouses who can rewild your habits. Whether that means tossing out a time management system that you’ve never liked or taking a morning cold plunge, let your instincts guide you to protocols that rev you up and push your edges. 

During the New Moon in Aries on March 21st, set intentions to discover the rituals that will keep your passionate nature blazing. Over the Full Moon in Libra on April 5th, a little TLC could be just what you need to stay vibrant. 

If the solar eclipse in Aries on April 19th interrupts your motivation, let it. Surrendering plans makes you receptive to a greater one. Craft a life that honors your desires, even in fineprint.

To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iPhone.


Sagittarius glyph

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising

Aries season is here, and right now, your muses are daredevils. 

Over the next month, playing it safe simply will not do. You’re being cosmically nudged to ride your edges, especially when it comes to your self-expression. Whether that means rocking fire engine red lipstick or attending an art class that gives you butterflies, let your desires dislodge your discomfort. 

The New Moon in Aries on March 21st is a raucous cheerleader encouraging you to lean out of your artistic comfort zone. The Full Moon in Libra on April 5th encourages you to find a community to offer you wildest gifts too.

During the solar eclipse in Aries on April 19th let your bold inner creatrix hit the “Snooze” button in preparation for your next high-wire act. 

Do you dare?

To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iPhone.


Capricorn glyph

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising

Aries season is here, and it’s crowning you the ruler of your roost. 

Over the next month, your initiative on the homefront will rise. Whether you feel compelled to rearrange furniture, investigate your lineage, or move house entirely, trust your instincts.

During the New Moon in Aries on March 21st, set intentions for a fresh start when it comes to family roles, or simply rallying enough motivation to clean your kitchen. Over the Full Moon in Libra on April 5th be strategic when wooing potential allies to your professional causes. 

Right now, your longings are helpful flares guiding you to what nourishes you most. The solar eclipse on April 19th could leave you feeling agitated, so do what you need to do to tend to your nervous system. When you feel replenished at home, your energy ripples out into playing big in the rest of your life.

To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iPhone.


Aquarius glyph

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising

Aries season is here, and it’s giving you a rousing pep talk. Anywhere you’ve held back your fiercest truth with others, prepare to blaze. Over the next month, your desires will be seeking expression. Practice sharing what’s really on your mind and heart with those around you. 

During the New Moon in Aries on March 21st, seek a medium for your boldest thoughts, whether that’s a podcast or weekly brunch with supportive friends. Over the Full Moon in Libra on April 5th, notice where wise mentorship or study could further sharpen your message. 

The solar eclipse in Aries on April 19th will help you write your next chapter, but also throw in some plot twists. Wait to find out how the story shakes out. If you find yourself speaking the truth with an added dose of hot sauce, offer some sweet chasers. Softening your statements just a touch will have your audience hanging on your every word.

To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iPhone.


Pisces glyph

Pisces & Pisces Rising

Aries season has arrived, and it’s blazing brightly in the realm of your resources. 

That means it’s time to tune into the primal intelligence of your desires, and let them lead you in money matters. Tuning into the pulse of what you really want will help you illuminate sure-fire manifestation strategies. So make your wish lists and dare to admit — even if just to yourself — what you yearn for. 

During the New Moon in Aries on March 21st chart a new course to abundance. Study up on fresh financial strategies or purchase a “good luck” wallet. Over the Full Moon in Libra on April 5th, be on the alert for potentially lucrative connections with others. 

The solar eclipse in Aries on April 19th could spark new opportunities or drain your inner reserves. Invest in self-care first — abundance will follow.

To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iPhone.

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You can find and read your horoscopes for the current astrology here!


-Travo News

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